About Administrative Training Institute

        Administrative Training Institute (ATI)  under the Department of Atomic Energy   started functioning with effect from 2nd July, 2007. 


 "Prashikshaneshu Dakshaprayate" - "Training Empowers"


Training and Continued Professional Development of the officials working in DAE and its Units spread all over the country.


Confident, Competent and Committed human resource are pillars to any organization.  Administrative Training Institute (ATI) has been set up with this splendid objective of carving out a human resource who will strive towards perpetual performance improvement, in a spirit of “Nishkama Karma”. 


The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was formed on 3rd August 1954.  Initial manpower required for various support functions like administration, accounts, etc. was drawn mostly by deputation / transfer from other departments along with direct recruitment at lower levels.  Various centralised cadres were formed in the seventies.  It was in 1988-89 that the department started organising training programmes on a regular basis, though in a limited way, for those working in Administration, Accounts, etc. and also a few programmes for those working in Scientific and Technical side.  Later on, a training hall with modest infrastructure was set up in the ground floor of Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan in Mumbai.   A variety of programmes for various categories of personnel for different durations had been organised in the last 19 years.   Most of the programmes are of 5 day’s duration and a few of them of a fortnight.  The programmes conducted were in the nature of induction training for directly recruited Lower Division Clerks /Upper Division Clerks and refresher programmes for dealing hands in different branches and orientation programmes for those getting promoted to the posts of Assistant Personnel Officers / Assistant Accounts Officers, etc.  Programmes on Executive / Management Development, Vigilance, Reservation in Services, Material Management etc. were also being conducted.  A limited number of programmes on Project Management / Purchase / Works Procedure and Hospital Management were also being conducted for the benefit of Scientific Officers and Doctors, etc. 

            The Government of India in the Department of Personnel & Training in their Office Memorandum  dated 15th April,1996 has notified a comprehensive strategy for implementing the National Training Policy formulated and approved based on the report of a Working Group on National Training Policy.   The guidelines stipulate that all categories of civil servants shall receive induction training at the time of entry in to service and in service training at suitable intervals in their career.  Attendance in training programme shall be prescribed as a mandatory exercise with possible linkages with career progression.  It is also mentioned in the guidelines that each department shall set apart 1.5% of its salary budget which shall be used solely for the purpose of training and shall not be diverted for use elsewhere.  


            Setting up of the Administrative Training Institute by DAE is in fulfillment of these guidelines.  ATI was formally inaugurated by Dr. Anil Kakodakar, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy in the august presence of Dr. R.B. Grover, Director, Strategic Planning Group, DAE & Knowledge Management Group, BARC, Shri V.P. Raja, Additional Secretary, Dr. C.V. Anada Bose, Joint Secretary (R & D), DAE and other Heads of Units and other Senior Officers of DAE and its units on 2nd July, 2007. 

        It will facilitate imparting requisite training (both induction and in service) to various categories of staff and officers in support services.  The Administrative Training Institute will also be in a position to conduct training programmes for Scientific and Technical personnel to familiarize them with the various rules / procedures to enable them to effectively discharge their higher responsibilities, as they move upwards in their hierarchy. 
